Your EMG Stories: Jenny Heidewald

We continue celebrating 25 years in business with today’s entry in our EMG Story series. Wondering what we’re doing? Start here with our introduction.

Now, we’re turning the mic over to Jenny Heidewald so she can tell us her EMG Story:

Portrait Adoption, $83

“I should begin at the beginning… I think I have known Ellen as long as my husband, to whom I’ve now been married fourteen years!

I met Ellen through Elfwood, back in 1999, when I was just poking around through the galleries. I contacted her about becoming one of her EMG artists making cards and stationery. She was very kind in guiding me on how to make stationery pages that would fit the needs of EMG, mainly fill the page and make borders around the edges—you can’t just stuff a drawing in the corner. This really helped me with the design and flow of my art.

Portrait Adoption was one of the biggest helps to me in my artistic career, as the forums were a safe place for us PA artists to gather. I learned a lot from my fellow artists; we could ask for redlines of our art when we knew something was a bit off, but couldn’t figure out what. Sadly, we all kind of drifted away from the forums, but PA is still a great site, and I, too, intend to get back into making art for it.

I also did a series of tutorial articles for EMG-Zine; those were a lot of work, because to this day I feel like I must Research-to-Death! any subjects I write about. I was late on the deadline quite a few times (sorry, Ellen!), but I learned a lot of interesting things, and it forced me to expand my techniques. The hardest was the “Reflections” tutorial! I learned you can’t just flip the image around—it is a different angle, and that must be reflected in the art. My writing has improved through those articles, too, but semicolons are still a bit iffy for me! My husband kept lecturing me about them, when I forced him to edit my tutorials.

One of the other projects I enjoyed working on are the coloring books. I’ve had a lot of fun thinking of unique subjects, and really getting into inking, one of my favorite techniques.

I haven’t done too much with Torn World, but I enjoy contributing when I am able. Some of my personal favorite art have resulted from TW subjects.

Sketch Fest is The Best Thing EVER!!! I have participated in every single one (I was late posting one month, so the sketch is in the next month); though I haven’t been as active lately what with life events, I still really enjoy it. Seeing all the different art and artists come together is great; I like how even folks who don’t draw can participate by posting prompts. Sketch Fest—it’s addictive. 🙂

Ellen, you have always amazed me with how productive and brave you are when approaching new projects. Some didn’t make it, but you are not afraid to try, or at least have a conversation about it. I am always willing to try any project you conjure up (I have a tendency towards being a lazy bum, but, if it’s for Ellen, break out the pencil and pens!)

You have been one of the greatest influences in my life, and I wouldn’t be the artist I am today without you! I am SO grateful that you have never given up or given in, and keep coming up with “crazy” artistic schemes to involve me with! I don’t know if I ever told you, but I feel you are like a big sister to me, and I am honored to call you my friend.

Congratulations on 25 years of Ellen Million Graphics! I am grateful I’ve gotten to share 19 years of the journey with you, and hopefully many, many more. (It had better, you know I need my SF fix every month. 😉 )”

Thank you for that thoughtful reflection on your journey with EMG so far, Jenny! We look forward to many more projects and Sketch Fests and years with your creativity and participation.

Would you like to share your EMG Story with us and perhaps see it featured on our blog? Email Deborah here.

Your EMG Stories: Mayumi Ogihara

We continue celebrating 25 years in business with today’s entry in our EMG Story series. Wondering what we’re doing? Start here with our introduction.

Now, let’s listen as Mayumi Ogihara tells us her EMG Story:

“From the Depth of the Ocean”, $30

“The first time I heard about EMG was when Katerina Koukiotis and Jenny Heidewald told me about this fun and addictive sketch jam that’s happening every month, and they were right! I joined Sketch Fest in August 2012. It took me a couple of years until I decided to join because I didn’t feel comfortable having 1 hour time limit to work on a sketch, but I got over that part really quickly, and before I knew it SF became an event I look forward to every month. My inspiration often comes from words and phrases, so using prompts to create sketches are a perfect way to get my creativity going. It’s also very interesting and inspiring to see how other artists interpret prompts in their own unique way. I have created many sketches during the past 6 years of SF sessions. I hope to have a chance to further develop those sketches into fully detailed drawings some day.

In addition to SF, I’m participating in Portrait Adoption and Coloring Books, and my graphite drawing “Medusa” was featured on the cover of EMG-Zine September 2012. Thank you for all your hard work, Ellen. I’m very happy to be a part of this creative community!”

Would you like to share your EMG Story with us and perhaps see it featured on our blog? Email Deborah here.

Your EMG Stories: Jennifer Broschinsky

We continue celebrating 25 years in business with today’s entry in our EMG Story series. Wondering what we’re doing? Start here with our introduction.

Now, we’re handing the mic over to Jennifer Broschinsky as she tells us her EMG Story:

“A Nest of Hair” by Jennifer Broschinsky

“When I first encountered EMG (back in the late 1990s), I was working a state office job, using my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree to be a secretary. I had little time to pursue my art, and was going through some ups and downs in my personal life. When I saw that there was a way to take my art and put it on products for people to buy, it gave me the impetus to create and submit some work! Even though I only made a few designs and they only sold a few copies, it was confidence-boosting for me.

Later I was able to collaborate with Ellen as editor of EMG-Zine. Seeing the writing and work of other creators, and working with Ellen to make their advice available to read, was inspiring! I value the time I spent working on the zine.

When EMG-Zine wrapped its final issue, I went on to pursue my fine art career. Since then, I have participated in several juried shows and had a couple of my own solo exhibits with my fine art — but I have also submitted work to the Portrait Adoption; I’ve popped into Sketch Fest now and then; and I’ve submitted drawings to Ellen’s coloring book projects.

I feel that my time with EMG really helped to give me the confidence to strike out on my own and pursue my own creative goals. Thanks so much, Ellen!”

Thank you, Jennifer! Our partners and customers putting so much confidence in us over the years has enriched our business and our lives. It means a lot that we could give you confidence as well!

Would you like to share your EMG Story with us and perhaps see it featured on our blog? Email Deborah here.

Your EMG Stories: Aurora Drake Nelson

We continue celebrating 25 years in business with today’s entry in our EMG Story series. Wondering what we’re doing? Start here with our introduction.

Queen’s Own Border by Ellen Million

Now, let’s listen to Aurora Drake Nelson as she tells us her EMG Story:

“My early memories of EMG might be a little different, as I go back to the early days.

My first association with EMG was as a hand drawn ad in a newsletter. Stationery! And more! We were a group of fans of Mercedes Lackey in the nineties, known for having penpals, so stationery was vital.

The next time EMG came across my radar I was the one running a newsletter and a zine, and I needed ads. Ellen came to the rescue, and supplied me with lovely ads for as long as I ran newsletters. Eventually we started writing and became friends. And eventually I started ordering art and bookmarks.

To me EMG is a tale of friendship. I made a friend, but I also got lovely art along the way. I still perk up when I find out there are bookmarks on offer and buy way too many of them, and I’ve gotten some nice artwork out of a couple of Sketch Fests. Whenever I see EMG it feels like coming home, because these are my people.”

We are SO HAPPY to be your people, Aurora! Thank you so much for being with us along this journey.

Would you like to share your EMG Story with us and perhaps see it featured on our blog? Email Deborah here.

Your EMG Stories: Lorna Cowie

We continue celebrating 25 years in business with today’s entry in our EMG Story series. Wondering what we’re doing? Start here with our introduction.

Now, let’s listen to Lorna Cowie as she tells us her EMG Story:

Portrait Adoption, $65

“I can’t remember how I came across Ellen or EMG. It was either looking through things for Elf-Quest, or portraits for my RPG characters, but anyway, I clearly stumbled into the path of this 100% awesome woman who had loads of ideas and was willing to froth crazily about them at me!

I remember contributing to the fanzine a few times, as I do love to write. I was so proud of them being published, and still keep them so I can read. My one about LARP I still give to new players who have no idea what it is! And I am sad to say, I still do have a bag of unwashed seashells. I have had to keep them out of the house due to the cats.

Portrait adoption was and is (when I get back to having time) a huge thing to me, as well as EMG colouring books and pages. Thanks to Ellen I now know how to create my own colouring pages and I sell quite a few digitally and physically. It’s not a massive earner by any means, but I simply love creating the perfectly odd picture that someone can colour in.

Torn World became a huge jumping point for my writing, and I still have many a story to finish off there. The characters we have created are so unique and lovable (or hate, your choice!), and the world is massive.

Do I consider this woman who I have never met a friend? Yes, yes I do. It can be months before we talk, but when we do it is like no time has passed. I am sad my own personal time is lacking to keep me involved as much as I want to, and I hope to fix this soon. I HEART YOU ELLEN!”

We heart you right back, Lorna! Thank you, thank you for being our friend and partner across so many EMG adventures!

Would you like to share your EMG Story with us and perhaps see it featured on our blog? Email Deborah here.

Your EMG Stories: Apis Teicher

We continue celebrating 25 years in business with today’s entry in our EMG Story series. Wondering what we’re doing? Start here with our introduction.

Now, we’re turning the mic over to Apis Teicher as she tells us her EMG Story:

“What are you looking at?” by Apis Teicher

“I found EMG when I was living and working in Japan about 16 years ago. I was recently married, still adjusting to life and work in a new country and feeling a little out of my element. Because we didn’t really have much of a social life there yet, I gave myself permission to dive headfirst into my art. I’d always set it aside, as I felt guilty indulging, but I thought that the time we were going to be overseas gave me ample opportunity to work on it whenever I wasn’t at my full time job.  I discovered the local anime store also stocked a magnificent amount of art supplies, and fell in love with copic markers.  I began to sketch, to learn, to enjoy them — and one day found EMG and decided to be brave and send in some of my work to them.  Not long after I got a reply – Ellen liked my work, in particular a marker doodle I had of Ogopogo, a Canadian mythical creature. We began our professional association then, and soon became friends. Ellen and EMG were a lifeline during those years so far away; they were there too as I later became a mother and had to figure out how to get back to my art. Between articles, sketchfests and her incredible support and community creation for artists EMG kept me sane, and helped through many lonely times.  Ellen and her wonderful creation helped me see the community beyond, and that I was a part of something. I’m not around it as much as life has pulled me in so many other directions, but that sense of belonging  I will always treasure.

Thank you Ellen!!”

You and our community has been a lifeline over the years as well, and our appreciation runs all the way down to our bedrock. Thank you, Apis!

Would you like to share your EMG Story with us and perhaps see it featured on our blog? Email Deborah here.

Your EMG Stories: Maria J. William

We continue celebrating 25 years in business with today’s entry in our EMG Story series. Wondering what we’re doing? Start here with our introduction.

Now, we’re turning the mic over to Maria J. William as she tells us her EMG Story:

“Sanguine” by Maria J. William, $40

“I first met Ellen on Elfwood in the late 1990s – that long-ago era of
LiveJournal, e-zines, message boards, and chatrooms. Back then I still had a full time job, and art was just a hobby for me. I gradually evolved towards deciding to make a career out of it after conversations with fellow Elfwoodians, and being inspired by their work. Ellen was one of those people. All the advice and encouragement I got made my transition from a 9-to-5 hobbyist to a full time artist and mom in later on so much easier.

Some of my work was introduced in the Gallery section of EMG-zine
throughout the early 2000s, but EMG really became a big part of my life
when I joined Sketchfest in February 2016, after many invitations from
artist friends. I’ve been a steady contributor ever since, and have only
missed two. I’m not a natural sketcher; I’ve tried keeping a sketchbook,
and failed miserably. Being a part of Sketchfest not only pushes me to
sketch regularly, which I believe is an important part of being an artist,
but gives me an opportunity to promote my work and try new things. And it
really gets my creativity going.

The fact that Ellen appreciates my work and actually owns some of it
really means a lot to me. Her creativity, energy, and drive inspire me a
great deal.”

You inspire us as well, Maria! Thank you so much for walking with us on this journey.

Would you like to share your EMG Story with us and perhaps see it featured on our blog? Email Deborah here.

Your EMG Stories: Kathy Nutt

October marks 25 years of business for Ellen Million Graphics – we’re honored and delighted to reach this milestone, and it’s very much a longevity we never could have hoped for without all of you! Every customer, contributor, and participant in Ellen Million Graphics is special. We thank you all, whether you’ve just submitted a few prompts in Sketch Fest or have a full Portrait Adoption gallery or have published a coloring book with us. You all make this business shine.

And so! We’ve asked all of you to share your EMG Story with us, and we’re sharing 23 of those stories here on the blog throughout the month. Would you like to submit yours? Email Deborah here.

“Raven Crescent Moon” by Kathy Nutt, $65

Today, we’re sharing Kathy Nutt‘s story:

“I wanted to just say that I always have so much fun during Sketch Fest, and that it’s always inspirational, so I went to see how long ago I began participating and it’s been since Sketch Fest #22 (January, 2012)! Even after all that time it is something I look forward to, even if it’s just reading all the prompts and making a wish list of what I would like to draw from that list. I have a small pile of wish list papers on my desk from several past Sketch Fests. Perhaps one day I will DRAW ALL THE THINGS!! or maybe just keep adding to the pile. : ) I do try to get 2 to 3 images drawn every event that I participate in, and sometimes I even finish one! Thank you Ellen for the support and work you put into your community. It’s very much a place I like to be a part of.”

Thank you, Kathy! We appreciate your art and your spirit and your participation.

#EMGSketchFest 103, our 25th Anniversary Sketch Fest, will take place this weekend from October 5-7, starting at 12 PM AKT.