Sketch Fest #129:
Sketches ~ Prompts
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Sketch Fest #129 will run March 26-28! (Today's date: 2025-02-17 01:34:40)

Sketch Fest has ended! Stay tuned for the next event!

Work by: Jenny Heidewald

I am one of those self-taught artists that has been drawing since I was little. I recall the exact moment I decided to be an artist, it was while watching my mom draw the hand of God reaching from the clouds to His followers. I was floored, it seemed to be magic, an image appearing out of nowhere. I thought to myself, "I want to do THAT!" I have worked in many mediums. My current favorite technique is working with colored micron pens, and coloring with watercolor and/or Photoshop. If you miss buying an original line version, I offer a limited run (3) of any of my Sketchfest ACEOs. These will be printed on watercolor or multimedia paper re inked with micron pens, hand painted, and numbered on the back. If interested in one that isn't been "activated", drop me a line via e-mail. :)
My other pages: Facebook art page, Deviant Art (go to the website link below), and Elfwood Tutorials I have written are at EMG-Zine .
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This artist has left the following prompts: (377)

This artist has comments on the following prompts for Sketch Fest #129:

Broody Bantam Hen Prompt claimed!
Frog in Your Hat! Prompt claimed!
Butterflies and magic Prompt claimed!
Dancing daisy princesses Prompt claimed!
A snowy raven Prompt claimed!
Four Leaf Clover Prompt claimed!
Adorable Mice Prompt claimed!
Flower fox Prompt claimed!
Cutest chicken ever Prompt claimed!
Blueberry, my sweet, bossy bantam (RIP \"Booberry\") Prompt claimed!

Fantasy coloring books from Ellen Million Graphics A 48 hour creative jam for artists

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